Baptism is a celebration! By God’s grace, we have celebrated with so many people being baptized at Rolling Hills – all glory to our great God! To witness a person’s commitment to Christ being lived out, to see the joy and life-change in a person’s face brings tears to my eyes every time, to hear the roar and applause of their family and friends as they come up out of the water brings incredible excitement in my heart.
Baptism is an outward expression of an inward commitment to follow Jesus. Many people in different faith traditions are baptized as an infant – this is called “infant baptism.” This is a great spiritual practice, but this is really a “dedication.” At Rolling Hills, we call this “Family Dedication” because this is the parent’s commitment to God for their family, but this is obviously not the baby’s personal decision. Jesus was dedicated at the Temple, by His parents when He was 40 days old (Luke 2:22), but then Jesus was baptized at the age of 30 (Luke 3:21-23). Jesus set an example for all those who would eventually follow Him.

Salvation happens in an instant as God draws a person to Himself and then you make a personal commitment of your life to Jesus. While salvation takes place in the heart and on the inside, baptism is that outward expression to all. Baptism is such a beautiful picture of what God is doing in a person’s life; going under the water, “dying to self” and then coming up out of the water, “being raised to walk in new life.” This is exactly what Jesus did for us on the cross. Baptism is the way that Christ-followers throughout history have celebrated their new life in Christ.
Therefore, as evidenced by Jesus, baptism is the beginning of one’s journey, not the end. Jesus was baptized at the beginning of His earthly ministry, at the age of 30. So many people think they are too old to be baptized, that they should have done this when they were younger. Jesus was 30. Some people think that they need to have everything in their life altogether before they are baptized. But, baptism is the beginning. Jesus launched His earthly ministry with His baptism, and so should every Christ-follower. Baptism follows your salvation experience and is the beginning of this amazing journey with Jesus. I love this!
I still remember my baptism. And, now, as a dad, I have had the privilege to baptize all three of my children. To stand with someone in this holy moment is beyond special. At Rolling Hills, we allow other people to baptize besides just our pastors. Some churches believe only the pastors should baptize, but Biblically anyone who is a Christ-follower can baptize another person as they publicly place their faith and life in Christ. I always rejoice when dads, moms, and even grandparents baptize their children or grandchildren. Community Group leaders and Small Group leaders baptize those in their groups. This is such an honor and a privilege. You don’t have to say everything perfectly, but your presence matters. We can teach someone to say, “I baptize you in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” They are the ones who took the time to share Jesus with the other person, and they are now being filled with joy in this moment of celebration. Seeing my own daughter baptize some of the precious girls in her Small Group has been amazing. She loves them, and they love her. She is leading them to Jesus, and we pray they will always live their lives for Christ.

Baptism is beautiful and special. It is that mark of someone putting their full faith in Christ Jesus and sharing with the world that they are following Jesus. Baptism is not salvific – essential to our salvation – the thief on the cross was never baptized, but it is a command of Scripture (“Repent and be baptized” Acts 2:38), and a beautiful demonstration of commitment. Christ-followers have been following Jesus in baptism for 2,000 years. By God’s grace, I have had the privilege to baptize people in Christ Jesus in our beautiful baptistry at church, in lakes in Moldova, rivers, hot tubs, feeding troughs, etc. It doesn’t matter where, but it matters. Baptism is important to God, and this is shown by the example and the teaching of Jesus when He tells His followers to “Go make disciples of all nations baptizing them…” (Matthew 28:18-20).
If you have never been baptized after you have personally committed your life to Jesus, then I encourage you to do this. Don’t wait. This is amazing and so important. If you have never talked with your children about baptism, then I encourage you to do this. Take your children to “Family Dedication” and then when they make their personal commitment to Jesus talk to them about baptism. If you have never baptized someone else, then I encourage to you pray about talking to someone about Jesus and being open if they ask you to baptize them. God may want to use you in this holy moment. Baptism is a celebration of God’s work in a person’s life. Let’s celebrate what God is doing in us and in others. When a baptism is happening anyway, go stand, watch, pray and celebrate. God is at work and baptism is a beautiful picture of what God is doing. Thank You, Father, for baptism!
There are 2 upcoming baptism classes at Rolling Hills! February 6 or March 6 | For Kids and Adults Click here to register and for more details.